Our Initiatives

Why solidarity and allyship matter: Nagoya University releases annual UN Women HeForShe IMPACT Report (September 26, 2019)

Nagoya University Press Release→http://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/info/heforshe_2.html

UN Women Press release→https://www.heforshe.org/en/why-solidarity-and-allyship-matter-un-women-heforshe-global-gender-equality-champions-release


Message from Dr. Seiichi Matsuo, President of Nagoya University:
I believe the changing mindset is the key to achieve gender parity, and increasing the representation of women in leadership positions is a vital policy to make awareness for the significance of gender equality. As a HeForShe Champion, I am a change agent to keep advancing this crucial issue to achieve 20% by 2020.


Message from Dr. Masahide Takahashi
(Vice-President / Trustee (Gender Equality) /Professor at Graduate School of Medicine): Women’s empowerment is indispensable to enhance gender equal environments. Nagoya University will keep challenging and progressing until the day we achieve real gender parity on campus!

HeForShe Japan Launch event "HeForShe Plus-One" was held at the United Nations University. (June 30, 2019)

UN Womenのプムズィレ・ムランボ=ヌクカ事務局長の来日記念と、HeForShe日本語サイト立ち上げ記念として、「HeForSheプラスワン!」が東京・国連大学にて開催されました。イベントでは、名古屋大学HeForSheクラブ代表の森桃さんと栗木莉子さんが登壇し、本学HeForSheクラブの活動について紹介しました。その後、HeForShe IMPACT Championである本学松尾清一総長と、プラスワンとして宮川勉部長が登壇し、HeForSheへのコミットメントを行いました。
また、イベントに先立ち、UN Womenプムズィレ・ムランボ=ヌクカ事務局長と松尾総長による対談も行われました。大変貴重な機会をいただき、ありがとうございました。

To celebrating HeForShe Japan Launch and welcoming the Executive Director of UN Women, Dr.Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Women Japan Liaison Office organized the event "HeForShe Plus-One" at the Uited Nations University in Tokyo. At the event, representatives of Nagoya University HeForShe Club, Ms. Momo Mori and Ms. Riko Kuriki gave a interesting presentation about their activities for promoting gender equality on campus. Also, HeForShe IMPACT Champion Seiichi Matsuo, President of Nagoya University introduced Mr. Tsutomu Miyakawa, Director of General Affairs Department as a "Plus-One." Mr. Miyagawa kindly agreed to sign HeForShe committment at the day!
Before the event, President Matsuo had an international dialogue with Dr.Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka.
Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity!

HeForShe public seminar on "Protecting Yourself from Harassment" was held at Nagoya University (June 18, 2019)

新宿2丁目で活動する男性セックスワーカーとして生きる日本人の男の子たちに焦点を当て、なぜ売買ボーイズとして生きているのか、という事実を伝えていくドキュメンタリー映画「Boys for Sale(売買ボーイズ)」の名古屋初上映会と、トークセッションを行いました。

At the HeForShe public seminar, the documentary film "Boys for Sale" which is portraiting the life and facts of male sex workers in Tokyo was screened. The Exective Director, Mr. Ian Thomas Ash and the subject of film, Ko gave a facinating talk about the film and had a Q&A session at the following talk session. Following, Ian and Ko continuously gave an interesting talk at the spin-off event "Ethnography and gender studies" organized by the Gender Research Salon. We had over 200 participants at the envent, thank you very much for your kind participation!

Nagoya University HeForShe Club participated Meidaisai Festival! (June 15-16, 2019)


#名大祭 2日目 晴れてたお陰で沢山の方に来ていただき、アンケートの回答も200件以上頂けました!^_^ そしてハッピーバッグも完売!#チェキ も大人気で家族全体で撮ることが多かったです。楽しい1日でした!ありがとうございました!⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thank you for everyone who came today and supported our activity by filling out our survey and by purchasing our happy bag. 🌟 The polaroids were also a full success as you can see from the last picture ☺️ #heforshenu #meidaisai #meidaisai2019 #名古屋大学 #heforshe #名大祭 #名大祭2019 #ジェンダー平等 #男女平等 📷 @steppenlonewolf

HeForSheNUさん(@heforshenu758)がシェアした投稿 -


#名大祭 の第一日目 アンケートを実施中です!是非明日もご協力お願い致します!沢山のお菓子が入っている袋 (ハッピーバッグ) とチェキを なんと! 300¥で購入できます! 明日は晴れる予定なのでブースにお会いできるのを楽しみにしてます!^_^ #名古屋大学 Come and take cute polaroid pics and get snacks at our booth at #NagoyaUFestival ! While you’re here it would be great if you could take a minute to answer our survey about #consent ⭐️ see your tomorrow! #heforshenu 📷 @steppenlonewolf

HeForSheNUさん(@heforshenu758)がシェアした投稿 -

HeForShe film screening on "The Man who Mends Women" was held at Nagoya University, Daiko campus (May 22, 2019)


On 22 May 2019, HeForShe Nagoya Comittee jointly with the department of medicine held a HeForShe film screening on "The Man who Mends Women." The documentary focuses on activities of Dr. Denis Mukwege who rescures victims of gender based violence under the conflict in the Republic of Congo. The following discussion was also fascinating and many students sighned HeForShe committment at the event. Thank you very much for joining!

Social progress is possible when we work together! December 20 is "Ineternational Human Solidarity Day," a day to mark the importance of unity and global cooperation in pursuit of a better world. (December 20, 2018)

HeForShe public seminar on "Protecting Yourself from Harassment" was held at Nagoya University (November 29, 2018)

11月25日は、国連が定める「女性に対する暴力撤廃の国際デー」です。また、12月10日は、「世界人権デー」です。UN Women は、この間の16日間を"16 Days of Activism"と名づけ、女性に対する暴力撤廃のための強化期間と位置づけています。HeForShe 運動においても、世界中で、女性に対する暴力をなくすため、さまざまな活動が展開されています。本セミナーは、この一環として開催されました。 当日は、エッセイスト・タレントの小島慶子氏、NHK国際放送局記者の山本恵子氏をお招きして、とても幅広く、深い議論を交わすことができました。たくさんのご参加、本当にありがとうございました!

November 25 is the International Day for "the Elimination of Violence against Women" and December 10 is the Human Rights Day. So, UN Women designated the 16 days between these two days as "16 Days of Activism." HeForShe IMPACT Champions, including Nagoya University, are expected to join hands with people around the world to accelerate activities toward the elimination of violence against women. This seminar was organized as part of the "16 Days of Activism." At the public seminar, Nagoya University invited Ms. Keiko Kojima (independent essayst, talent, a visiting researcher at the University of Tokyo) and Ms. Keiko Yamamoto (Journalist at NHK World) and had a fruitful and facsnating discussions on harrassment and sexual consent issues. Thank you very much for joining the seminar!

Forum on gender equality at Mie Prefecture was held and this year's main topic was "HeForShe". At the forum, Nagoya University's activities and committments were introduced. (November 12, 2018)

Nagoya University HeForShe Club organized a Workshop “Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence in University Communities” It was really fascinating discussion! Thank you very much for your participation. (October 21, 2018)

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#tb to our #sexualharassmentoncampus workshop! We learned a lot from Kitanaka Sensei from #Higashiyama University and the #selfdefense workshop afterwards was quite #informative and #fun as well - as you can see. ちょっと遅れますけど我々のワークショップの写真です!^_^ 北仲先生の講演はとても勉強になりました。感謝です!🌟 午後の#護身術 のワークショップでもたくさん楽しく習いました。レペ先生ありがとうございました。⭐️🌟⭐️ Thank you @steppenlonewolf for being our cameraman for the day! • #heforshenu #1yearanniversary #heforshenustudentclu#名古屋大学 #大学におけるセクハラと性暴力 #heforshe

HeForSheNUさん(@heforshenu758)がシェアした投稿 -

UN Women Japan office and Shiseido Co., Ltd. held the symposium regarding HeForShe (October 20, 2018)


UN Women's press release and report is available at →http://japan.unwomen.org/ja/news-and-events/news/2018/10/heforshe-symposium

HeForShe club run a booth at Nagoya University “Home Coming Day”! Thank you very much for visiting us and your committment to HeForShe. (October 20, 2018)

UN Women hold HeForShe IMPACT Summit and launched IMPACT Solution Report (September 26, 2018)


UN Women Press release→http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/stories/2018/9/press-release-heforshe-impact-summit-2018

As a HeForShe IMPACT Champion, Nagoya University reported our achievemnet at the HeForShe IMPACT Summit.

Nagoya University released our University achieved our "Committment 1."

United Nations HeForShe IMPACT Summit 2018 is available at below

Nagoya University HeForShe Club organized a guest speaking event regarding various gender issues. It was a full success with a lot of people coming and participating in the Q&A after the talks by our great guest speakers! (July 10, 2018)

•日本語は下記• #tb to our very first guest speaking event a month ago! It was a full success with a lot of people coming and participating in the Q&A after the talks by our great professors and Senpai! Thank you Prof. Hopson, Prof. Vassileva and Gen Senpai for your informative and great talks! We learned a lot for sure! Next #workshop is coming up in October, so keep your 👀 peeled! #heforshenu #genderequality #gendertalk #guestspeakingevent #nagoyauniversity #heforshe 先月来てくださった皆様にありがとうございました!とても興味深い話を聞いて、先生たちと先輩に感謝です!(*^^*) 次のワークショップは10月に行う予定なので楽しみにして下さい! #名古屋大学 #ジェンダー #ジェンダー平等

HeForSheNUさん(@heforshenu758)がシェアした投稿 -

Nagoya University HeForShe Club participated Meidaisai Festival! (June 7-10, 2018)

What a #successful first day of #MeidaiSai ! We got over #💯 responses ! 🌟⭐️🌟 #HeForSheNU 100枚以上の反応メモをボードに貼ってもらいました!とても良いデイ1でした!#名大祭 #名大祭18 #名古屋大学

HeForSheNUさん(@heforshenu758)がシェアした投稿 -

A bit late, but here it is! The second day of #meidaisai was despite gloomy weather, another #success ! Thank you to everyone who contributed with a #thoughtful comment and #opinions. ⭐️🌟⭐️ #HeForSheNU #MEIDAIFESTIVAL • ちょっと遅れましたが、#日曜日 のアンケートの結果です!(*^^*) 雲ってましたけど、皆さんの #考え深い メモをたくさん頂いて #感謝 です!#名大祭 #名古屋大学 #Meidaisai18

HeForSheNUさん(@heforshenu758)がシェアした投稿 -

Leading Forum Preliminary Discussion (October 19, 2017)

President Matsuo speaks against #SexualHarassment (2017.12.20)

Global Ideathon: How can we eradicate gender-based violence (2017.10.19)

HeForShe Nagoya University-Shiseido-UN Women
Joint Workshop
「Youth for Gender Equality ~ジェネレーションZからのイニチアチブ」
HeforShe Shiseido-UN Women Joint Event (2017.10.14)
United Nation University(Tokyo, Aoyama)
U Thant International Conference Hall

HeForShe Nagoya University-Shiseido-UN Women
Joint Workshop
「Youth for Gender Equality ~ジェネレーションZからのイニチアチブ」
Nagoya University Workshop (2017.10.6)

President Matsuo participated in the
UN Women's Launch of HeForShe Gender Parity Report
in New York.

HeForShe slides projected at South Co-op (August 31, 2017)


President Matsuo spoke at ACCJ Chubu Women
in Business Summit (July 13, 2017, Nagoya)

Workshop "Healthy Relationships: A Date Rape Scenario
Analysis" (June 28 & July 21, 2017)

President Matsuo spoke at Gender Summit 10
(May 25-26, 2017, Tokyo)

Global Ideathon: How can we eradicate gender-based violence (December 6, 2016)

HeForShe Seminar "Promotion of Diversity and Women's
Leadership" (November 17, 2016)

Press Release of Parity Report at United Nations Headquarter
(September 20, 2016, NY)

A delegation from the NU's Women Leaders Program
to Promote Well-being in Asia, a MEXT Program for
leading Graduate Schools, visiting UN Women
(February 23, 2016, NY)


HeForShe Kickoff Symposium,"Engaging Men in Gender
Equality" (December 16, 2015)

HeForShe booth jointly run by Nagoya University and
UN Women at the 23rd World Scout Jamboree (July 28-
August 8, 2015, Ajisu Kirara Beach, Yamaguchi)

Nagoya University International Symposium "Promoting
Women's Leadership in Asia" (May 19, 2015)


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